It is really rather unnerving to say the least. Like Walker, he has a tell-tale audio cue that alerts you to his presence- the high-pitched whine of his circular saw, which he spins while searching for you. His persistent pursuing of Waylon very early on in the DLC was my first real tense experience in “Whistleblower”, and he fits right in with the likes of the twins and Chris Walker. One is a cannibal who walks around in his underpants trying to find you so he can cut you up with a hand-held buzz saw and eat you raw.

Speaking of new variants, the DLC has two. The best parts of the story are those taking place before and during the events of the main game, particularly the new locations and variants. It’s all quite brief, but the ending does bring things to a close, and sets up something of a sequel. You find out Miles’ ultimate fate after he was gunned down in the main game. It was made apparent before release that the DLC acts as both a prequel to the main game, and an epilogue, and it does indeed provide some closure to the main story. You aren’t eased in this time- the game assumes you know your way around its mechanics and throws you straight into things, to great effect. The most interesting factor is that the outbreak has just started- you start right in the belly of the beast, and there are generally more people still alive in the various parts of the asylum, some of which are new to the DLC. Whereas Miles’ route was often defined by Father Martin being an unhelpful dick, Waylon’s progress is hampered by his environment. The set-up is good, but simple- story wise it’s pretty similar to the main game, though less rigidly paced. The patients break loose, Waylon grabs the camera used to record his reactions to the experiments and decides to get the hell out of dodge, recording as much incriminating footage as he can along the way. Before then you get to see the experiments first hand, before Waylon is forcibly imprisoned as a patient, as well as being subjected to the same experiments all the variants in the main game went through (conveniently, apart from short-term visual hallucinations the engine doesn’t seem to have any negative effects on him). Sending that email is the very first thing you do in the game, and it gets you into some serious trouble.

More importantly, he was the one that sent Miles Upshur the email telling him to investigate Mount Massive.
#Outlast whistleblower dlc ending explain software
Set both before, during and after the events of the main game, “Whistleblower” puts you in the bare feet of Waylon Park- a software engineer for the Murkoff Corporation working at Mount Massive Asylum.

Now the anticipated DLC “Whistleblower” is upon us. Focusing on running and stealth to negotiate enemies and with a well-implemented night vision element that adds to the excellent atmosphere, it really is a great horror game. It’s a shining example of both Survival Horror as a genre and of the fact that the genre isn’t dead, and that it doesn’t need “saving” by the likes of “The Evil Within”.
#Outlast whistleblower dlc ending explain Ps4
“Outlast” was released back in 2013 but I only got to play it when it was released on PS4 earlier this year.